Solid Wood Writing Desks
Though each writer is different and inspiration can strike anytime and anywhere, creating a writing space around a solid wood writing desk can be just the thing needed to focus and funnel your thoughts onto paper. Solid wood writing desks have been around for centuries boasting dozens of different designs and wood materials used. Walking the line between elegance and functionality many modern desks are still based off the antique designs.Dating back to the 1600’s is one of the earliest known samples of writing desks in the Jacobean style. The Jacobean style of desk was typically crafted out of walnut or oak, had a dark finish with a medieval appearance, straight lines and was usually adorned with carvings of acorns or geometric designs.
After the Jacobean style came a number of other desk designs, beginning with the William and Mary style. More ornate than the Jacobean design it featured Dutch and Chinese influences. It had a lacquered finish and trumpet-turned legs ending in a ball, or clawed foot. These desks were commonly made from black walnut, ebony or holly and provided a graceful or refined look. Other styles include Queen Anne, Georgian, Chippendale, Sheraton, Shaker, Victorian, and Arts and Crafts.
While the styles changed by era one thing remained constant. Solid wood writing desks were hand crafted by master cabinet makers for the homes and offices of the affluent. This trend continued on into the Industrial Revolution even though wood desks were by then being mass produced by machine and unskilled labor.
Whether antique or modern a solid wood writing desk can add beauty and functionality into your office or home. Whether it is a symbol of status or form allowing for function or a combination thereof a solid wood writing desk can last long enough to become a family heirloom and can stick around for generations.